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download:whatsnew [2024/09/25 12:24] – [3.2.0] cnauddownload:whatsnew [2024/10/31 17:55] (current) – [3.2.0] cnaud
Line 3: Line 3:
 ===== 3.2.x ===== ===== 3.2.x =====
 +==== 3.2.1 ====
 +Coming soon
 ==== 3.2.0 ==== ==== 3.2.0 ====
 TeemIP 3.2.0 standalone supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.2.0** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[ | what's new in iTop 3.2]] and consult iTop's [[ | change log]] for further details. TeemIP 3.2.0 standalone supports all the new features brought by **iTop 3.2.0** and bugs that have been corrected within that revision. You may refer to iTop's hub to learn [[ | what's new in iTop 3.2]] and consult iTop's [[ | change log]] for further details.
download/whatsnew.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/31 17:55 by cnaud