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IP Addresses

Obviously, IP Address objects in TeemIp modelize addresses of the Internet Protocol. Both version 4 and version 6 are supported.

IP Address Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
General Information
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Status Possible values: allocated, released, reserved, unassigned Yes
Usage Foreign key to a(n) IP Address Usage No
Note Multiline character string No
Requestor Foreign key to a(n) Person No
Allocation date Date (year-month-day) No
Release date Date (year-month-day) No
DNS Information
Short Name Alphanumeric string No
DNS Domain Foreign key to a(n) Domain No
DNS View Foreign key to a(n) View
Brought by the DNS Zone Management extension
FQDN Alphanumeric string No
Aliases Array of alphanumeric strings No
IP Information
Subnet Foreign key to a(n) Subnet No
Range Foreign key to a(n) IP Range No
Address Alphanumeric string Yes
Discovery Information
Set of attributes brought by the IP Discovery Data model extension
IP Address Usages are typology elements defined in the Data Administration module. One set of IP Address Usages needs to be defined per organization.
The attribute “Status” is more than informative. It does have an impact on what can and cannot be done with an IP. Meanings of different values are:
  • Allocated: IP is in use and potentially allocated to a CI. It cannot be allocated to another CI without being released or unassigned first unless the IP Setting Allow attachement of already allocated IPs to CIs is set to Yes.
  • Released: IP is not in use anymore and can be re-allocated if required
  • Reserved: IP is not in use yet but will be allocated (activated) at a point in time. It can be allocated from the IP detail menu but is invisible from the CI edition menu.
  • Unassigned: IP exists in TeemIp without any clear status and can be allocated or reserved.


Tab Description
Contacts All the contacts for this IP
Documents All the documents linked to this IP
Notifications List of related notifications - Present if a notification trigger exists for that class
NAT IPs All other IPs linked to this IP in a NAT relationship
CIs All the configuration items configured with the IP
Activity panel History of all changes made to the IP

Listing IP Addresses

The IP Addresses shortcuts of the IP Management module on the explorer menu display all the IPv4 or IPv6 Addresses of the selected organization or all IPv4 or IPv6 Addresses if no organization is selected.

The Search tab will shorten the list according to the filtering elements you'll define in it.

Creating a new IP Address

From the listing view or from any create action of an IP Address badge, click on the Edit icon to display the creation form.

An implicit but intuitive set of rules are followed when an IP address is created:

  • Allocation date and FQDN (Fully Qualified Defined Name) are automatically calculated when the address is created,
  • If no Subnet is selected, the IP can be any IP of the IPv4 (or IPv6) space,
  • If a Subnet and no Range are selected, the address must be included into the Subnet,
  • If a Subnet and a Range are selected, the address must be included into the Range as well,
  • When attached to a CI, the Short Name is computed according to a method defined, by default, at the FunctionalCI level - see CMDB Core chapter,
  • An IP can be linked to any other registered IP address through the NAT tab.
By definition, FQDNs are absolute domain names. They specify the exact location of domain names in the tree hierarchy of the Domain Name System (DNS). This is why they end up with a dot.

According to configuration parameter Allow Duplicate Names, unicity of the FQDN is checked:
  • Duplicates may exist in different organizations,
  • Within an organization, duplicates may exist in different DNS views,
  • If parameter is set to:
    • No, all other cases of duplicates are rejected,
    • Dual stack, duplicates may exist between IPv4 and IPv6 spaces,
    • Yes, unicity of FQDN is not verified.

According to configuration parameter Compute FQDN when short name is empty, the FQDN may be computed regardless the content of the Short Name and DNS Domain.

Though aliases are linked to FQDNs, they can be created through the IP address creation screen. The Aliases box allows IP administrators to create as many aliases as they want. Syntax requires to add one FQDN by line, separated by a carriage return.

At creation time, global settings Allow Duplicate Names and Ping IP before assigning it can be overwritten. Note that a change on these parameters, if any, only applies to the current creation and don’t affect the value of the global parameters. If it is required to change them globally, these can be changed through the Global IP Settings menu of the Data Administration module.

For v6 IPs, a simple autocompletion mechanism is used to help typing the IP: its first 64 bits are copied from the subnet IP… which can, of course, be manually changed by the user.

Modifying an IP Address

From the detailed view of an IP Address, click on the Edit icon button.

Basically, all parameters can be changed here but, of course, the IP address itself.

TeemIp provides an easy and efficient way to navigate between adjacent IPs. If the action is enabled, the left and rights arrows of the object menu Navigate icon will bring you to the previous or next registered IP in TeemIp. This action is driven by default parameters that can be overwritten in the configuration file.

	'teemip-ip-mgmt' => array (
		'ip_navigation' => array (
		  'enabled' => true,
		  'within_subnet_only' => false,
Parameter Description
enabled Enable or disable the function
within_subnet_only Limit the navigation to the subnet that the IP belongs to or not

Other Actions

Next to standard actions, a set of specific actions can be applied to IP Addresses. These can be found in the Other Actions menu available from the details page.

These specific actions are described in below chapters.

Allocate address to CI

This action applies to IP Addresses that are released, reserved or unassigned. Its purpose is to allocate the address to a CI without having to open the modification form of the targeted CI.

Three parameters control the action:

Name Type Mandatory?
Target class List the instantiated classes of objects that may be linked to an IP address Yes
Functional CI List the CIs of class defined by Target class which an IP address can be allocated to Yes
IP Attribute IP attribute of the CI that the IP should be allocate to Yes

These parameters are automatically computed and may differ from one data model to another. For instance, a server may have only one IP address (it's management IP, like in the standard data model) or multiple ones (a management and a backup IP). Once the parameters are set and the Apply button is pressed, TeemIp confirms the operation and displays the details screen of the IP. The CIs tab should contain a pointer to the selected CI.

As soon as the action is done, the IP address status is changed to “allocated”.
An IP can NOT be allocated to an IP interface that way.

Un-allocate address from all CIs

This action simply un-allocate the IP from all CIs that it may be allocated to. This includes IP Interfaces. Action is launched as soon as the action is selected. A confirmation screen is then displayed.

The IP address status is automatically changed to “unassigned”.

Management of DNS RRS

The management of the DNS resource records is available if the DNS Zone Management extension has been installed.

Create / Update DNS RRs

This action will create the A / AAAA, PTR and CNAME DNS resource records that may be linked to the IP. A few criteria need to be met for this to happen:

  • A zone corresponding to the IP's DNS Domain and belonging to the right DNS view must exist to create the A or AAAA records,
  • A reverse zone corresponding to the IP must exist to create the PTR record,
  • Each alias must belong to an existing zone in order to create a CNAME record.

Delete DNS RRs

This action will just delete all resource records linked to the IP.

Links between IP Addresses and CIs

TeemIp has been designed to provide a comprehensive modelization and documentation of the link(s) that a CI and an IP address may share together.

Some CIs, like servers or network devices, have one IP attribute that represents their management IP. For them:

  • A unique IP can be attached to them,
  • An IP address must be in the status Released or Unassigned to be attached to a CI,
  • IPs that are in state Allocated cannot be set as IP attribute unless IP setting Allow attachment of already allocated IPs to CIs is set to Yes,
  • Reserved IPs are… reserved,
  • Once a CI is created or updated, the status of its attached IP is automatically changed to Allocated,
  • If a Management IP is removed from the CI, its status becomes Unassigned unless it is still linked to another CI.

Some others CIs, like IP interfaces attached to routers, may host several IP addresses. For them:

  • One or more IPs (with no limitation of quantity) can be attached to them,
  • An IP can be attached to them, regardless their status,
  • Once an interface is created or updated, the status of its attached IPs is automatically changed to Allocated,
  • If a link with an IP address is removed, status of IP moves back to Unassigned unless it is still linked to another CI.
You may alter this default datamodel through an extension and add, for instance, a backup IP to your servers. There is no limitation to what you can do here…

Impact of CIs' life cycle to IPs

Changes on CIs may have an impact on IPs. Here is what happens when…

- A Functional CI is created

  • It is checked if the CI has IP Attributes,
  • For each of these that do point to an IP:
    • Status is set to allocated,
    • Short name attribute is computed.

- A Functional CI is updated

  • It is checked if the CI has IP Attributes,
  • For each of these:
    • Status of IP is updated if IP has changed (new IP is set to allocated and previous one is set to released),
    • Short name is changed if the CI name has changed.

- A Functional CI is deleted

  • It is checked if the CI had IP Attributes,
  • For each of these that do point to an IP:
    • Status is set to released,
    • Short name attribute is reset to empty string.

- A functional CI becomes obsolete

  • Its IPs may automatically be released from it, if IP Setting Release IPs from CIs that become obsolete is set.

Releasing IPs

When an IP is set to the status “Released”, it is automatically removed from all CIs and all interfaces.


When linking an IP together with a CI, one must insure that both the CI's and the IP's status are consistent. TeemIp may automatically and periodically check the status of IPs and their coherency with the CIs they are attached to, if any. This behaviour is driven by a set of parameters defined in Global IP Settings. For any given organization, should the configuration parameter… :

  • Allocate IPs attached to production CIs (*) be set to Yes, TeemIp will make sure that IPs attached to CIs are “Allocated”.
  • Release IPs from CIs that become obsolete (*) be set to Yes, TeemIp will release all IPs that are still allocated to obsolete CIs,
  • Un-allocate IPs that are not attached to a CI (*) be set to Yes, TeemIp will unassign the IPs that are no longer attached to a CI,
  • Release IPs from subnets that are released be set to Yes, TeemIp will release all IPs that belong to released subnets,
  • Allow attachment of already allocated IPs to CIs be set to Yes, TeemIp will allow, from the CI details screen, the attachment of an allocated IP to a CI.

The 3 first actions (*) are handled by background tasks which default parameters can be overwritten in the configuration file.

	'teemip-ip-mgmt' => array (
		'ip_allocate_on_ci_status' => array (
		  'enabled' => true,
		  'debug' => true,
		  'periodicity' => 3600,
		  'status_list' => array (
		    0 => 'implementation',
		    1 => 'production',
		'ip_release_on_ci_status' => array (
		  'enabled' => true,
		  'debug' => true,
		  'periodicity' => 3600,
		  'status_list' => array (
		    0 => 'obsolete',
		'ip_unassign_on_no_ci' => array (
		  'enabled' => true,
		  'debug' => true,
		  'periodicity' => 3600,
		  'target_status' => 'unassigned',
Parameter Description
enabled Enable or disable the function
debug Add verbosity to the process
periodicity Periodicity of the background task
status_list List of status that trigger the action
target_status Status of the IP once the action is done

Please, refer to the Configuration File chapter for further details.

2_x/datamodel/ip-addresses.1712239851.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/04 16:10 by cnaud