- IP Management
- Configuration
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Obviously, IP Address objects in TeemIp modelize addresses of the Internet Protocol. Both version 4 and version 6 are supported.
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
General Information | ||
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: allocated, released, reserved, unassigned | Yes |
Usage | Foreign key to a(n) IP Address Usage | No |
Note | Multiline character string | No |
Requestor | Foreign key to a(n) Person | No |
Allocation date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Release date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
DNS Information | ||
Short Name | Alphanumeric string | No |
DNS Domain | Foreign key to a(n) Domain | No |
DNS View | Foreign key to a(n) View Brought by the DNS Zone Management extension | No |
FQDN | Alphanumeric string | No |
Aliases | Array of alphanumeric strings | No |
IP Information | ||
Subnet | Foreign key to a(n) Subnet | No |
Range | Foreign key to a(n) IP Range | No |
Address | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Discovery Information | ||
Set of attributes brought by the IP Discovery Data model extension |
Tab | Description |
Contacts | All the contacts for this IP |
Documents | All the documents linked to this IP |
Notifications | List of related notifications - Present if a notification trigger exists for that class |
NAT IPs | All other IPs linked to this IP in a NAT relationship |
CIs | All the configuration items configured with the IP |
Activity panel | History of all changes made to the IP |
The IP Addresses shortcuts of the IP Management module on the explorer menu display all the IPv4 or IPv6 Addresses of the selected organization or all IPv4 or IPv6 Addresses if no organization is selected.
From the listing view or from any create action of an IP Address badge, click on the to display the creation form.
An implicit but intuitive set of rules are followed when an IP address is created:
According to configuration parameter Compute FQDN when short name is empty, the FQDN may be computed regardless the content of the Short Name and DNS Domain.
At creation time, global settings Allow Duplicate Names and Ping IP before assigning it can be overwritten. Note that a change on these parameters, if any, only applies to the current creation and don’t affect the value of the global parameters. If it is required to change them globally, these can be changed through the Global IP Settings menu of the Data Administration module.
From the detailed view of an IP Address, click on the button.
Basically, all parameters can be changed here but, of course, the IP address itself.
TeemIp provides an easy and efficient way to navigate between adjacent IPs. If the action is enabled, the left and rights arrows of the object menu will bring you to the previous or next registered IP in TeemIp. This action is driven by default parameters that can be overwritten in the configuration file.
'teemip-ip-mgmt' => array ( ... 'ip_navigation' => array ( 'enabled' => true, 'within_subnet_only' => false, ), ... ),
Parameter | Description |
enabled | Enable or disable the function |
within_subnet_only | Limit the navigation to the subnet that the IP belongs to or not |
Next to standard actions, a set of specific actions can be applied to IP Addresses. These can be found in the Other Actions menu available from the details page.
These specific actions are described in below chapters.
This action applies to IP Addresses that are released, reserved or unassigned. Its purpose is to allocate the address to a CI without having to open the modification form of the targeted CI.
Three parameters control the action:
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Target class | List the instantiated classes of objects that may be linked to an IP address | Yes |
Functional CI | List the CIs of class defined by Target class which an IP address can be allocated to | Yes |
IP Attribute | IP attribute of the CI that the IP should be allocate to | Yes |
These parameters are automatically computed and may differ from one data model to another. For instance, a server may have only one IP address (it's management IP, like in the standard data model) or multiple ones (a management and a backup IP). Once the parameters are set and the Apply button is pressed, TeemIp confirms the operation and displays the details screen of the IP. The CIs tab should contain a pointer to the selected CI.
This action simply un-allocate the IP from all CIs that it may be allocated to. This includes IP Interfaces. Action is launched as soon as the action is selected. A confirmation screen is then displayed.
This action will create the A / AAAA, PTR and CNAME DNS resource records that may be linked to the IP. A few criteria need to be met for this to happen:
This action will just delete all resource records linked to the IP.
TeemIp has been designed to provide a comprehensive modelization and documentation of the link(s) that a CI and an IP address may share together.
Some CIs, like servers or network devices, have one IP attribute that represents their management IP. For them:
Some others CIs, like IP interfaces attached to routers, may host several IP addresses. For them:
Changes on CIs may have an impact on IPs. Here is what happens when…
When an IP is set to the status “Released”, it is removed from all CIs and all interfaces if IP Setting Detach released IPs from CIs is set to Yes (which is the default setting).
When linking an IP together with a CI, one must insure that both the CI's and the IP's status are consistent. TeemIp may automatically and periodically check the status of IPs and their coherency with the CIs they are attached to, if any. This behaviour is driven by a set of parameters defined in Global IP Settings. For any given organization, should the configuration parameter… :
The 3 first actions (*) are handled by background tasks which default parameters can be overwritten in the configuration file.
'teemip-ip-mgmt' => array ( ... 'ip_allocate_on_ci_status' => array ( 'enabled' => true, 'debug' => true, 'periodicity' => 3600, 'status_list' => array ( 0 => 'implementation', 1 => 'production', ), ), 'ip_release_on_ci_status' => array ( 'enabled' => true, 'debug' => true, 'periodicity' => 3600, 'status_list' => array ( 0 => 'obsolete', ), ), 'ip_unassign_on_no_ci' => array ( 'enabled' => true, 'debug' => true, 'periodicity' => 3600, 'target_status' => 'unassigned', ), ... ),
Parameter | Description |
enabled | Enable or disable the function |
debug | Add verbosity to the process |
periodicity | Periodicity of the background task |
status_list | List of status that trigger the action |
target_status | Status of the IP once the action is done |
Please, refer to the Configuration File chapter for further details.